Town Planning Scheme and Local Planning Strategy (2016)

Town Planning Scheme No. 4 (TPS) consists of the scheme text and a set of zoning and special control area maps.

The TPS is to be read in conjunction with the Local Planning Strategy (2016) (see below), Local Planning Policies and the Deemed Provisions (as set out in the Schedule 2 of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015). Further information can be obtained from Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage.

Town Planning Scheme No. 4 is being updated by a series of Scheme Amendments to Scheme 4 in accordance with the Local Planning Strategy (2016). In 2022 Council commenced the preparation of a new Local Planning Strategy (2024) which is anticipated to replace the current Local Planning Strategy (2016). The Scheme Review Report addresses the new Local Planning Strategy (2024) and proposed new Town Planning Scheme No.5 to be prepared in 2025-26. Find out more about the New Local Planning Strategy 2024.

Zoning maps

Special Control Area Maps (supplementary)


The Town Planning Scheme (TPS) outlines zoning and defines what land uses/development may and may not be permitted on a property or particular locality. It is a statutory document accompanied by a map (indicating various zones) that the Planning Department uses to make development decisions and/or recommendations to Council or the Western Australian Planning Commission.

The zoning and provisions relating to the use and development of land are set by Council and State government in a Scheme Review process that involves public review and opportunities to comment on a draft Scheme or Scheme Amendment before it is gazetted as a legal document.

Locations and areas which are endorsed to undergo future rezoning amendments are usually identified in Strategic Planning reports prepared by Council, including the City's Local Planning Strategy and/or Strategic Planning reports prepared by the State Government (including Perth and Peel @ 3.5 million – South Metropolitan Peel sub-regional planning framework, Directions 2031, Economic and Employment Lands Strategy and Southern River / Forrestdale / Brookdale / Wungong District Structure Plan).

The procedures for rezoning/amending the TPS are strictly regulated and often lengthy with extensive consultation requirements and approvals required by the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC). Rezoning proposals are also subject to assessment by the Environmental Protection Authority.

Applications to rezone land or amend the Scheme or for Structure Plan approval, must address requirements of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015, the City's Local Planning Strategy and Town Planning Scheme No. 4 and Local Planning Policies.

Applications must be accompanied by appropriate environmental, land suitability/capability and servicing reports and the appropriate fee.

Where a rezoning application is associated with a Structure Plan for the subdivision of land, the application is also to be accompanied by the appropriate Structure Plan fee. 

An application to rezone land or amend the Scheme, where it has been properly prepared, will be assessed and considered by Council on its merits.  Council may determine to seek Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) and public comments on the proposal by initiating an amendment to the Scheme or, in the case a proposal which lacks sufficient merit, may resolve to not proceed with the application.

Development Contribution Plans

The purpose of Development Contribution Plans (DCPs) is to provide for equitable cost sharing arrangements for common infrastructure required to facilitate development within an area, commonly referred to as a Development Contribution Area (DCA).

Cost contributions are only required as a result of subdivision and/or development of land within a DCA. The DCAs are shown on Special Control Area (SCA) Map 3 (see above).

Part 6B of Town Planning Scheme No.4 (TPS No.4) enables the City to prepare DCPs that facilitate the cost sharing of specific items of infrastructure across a number of landowners in a DCA.

The purpose of Part 6B is to:

  • Identify areas requiring cost contributions that relate to subdivision and development
  • To provide for equitable sharing of costs
  • To ensure that cost contributions are only required towards common infrastructure required resulting from the subdivision or development of land in the DCA
  • To coordinate the timely provision of infrastructure.

Part 6B also includes the provisions for when a landowner’s liability to contribute arises, and the general principles and objectives of a DCP that the City must uphold.

DCPs are adopted under Schedule 13 of TPS No.4 and set out the particular infrastructure to which cost sharing arrangements relate and the cost sharing arrangements which apply.

FInd out more about North Forrestdale Development Contribution Plan No.3 (DCP No. 3).


Users of this website are advised that the City of Armadale accepts no legal responsibility for any errors, omissions or inaccuracies in Town Planning Scheme No 4. Whilst the City of Armadale endeavours to regularly update and amend the information contained within the document, the accuracy of this information cannot be guaranteed. The content of this website may also change, vary or be amended at any time. Confirmation of zoning and density coding may be obtained by viewing the official version of Town Planning Scheme No 4 which is available at the City's Administration Centre. Confirmation of information relating to lot sizes and boundaries may be obtained from the Department of Land Information.


Page Last Reviewed 20 June 2022