A number of redevelopment areas in the City are under the planning control of DevelopmentWA, which is the State Government’s central development agency. DevelopmentWA has commenced the process of ‘normalising’ some of those areas to return them to the City’s planning control, and information about those precincts and normalisation process is provided below.
Any applications for development in these precincts which are lodged with DevelopmentWA prior to normalisation will continue to be assessed and determined by DevelopmentWA, if they have not been determined prior to normalisation, and in accordance with DevelopmentWA requirements. Development applications lodged with the City after normalisation will be assessed and determined by the City, in accordance with its standards.
For more information about normalisation, or if you have any questions about the precincts highlighted in the map below, please contact the City’s Planning Services Department.
The West of Rail and Railway Station Precincts are located immediately west of the Armadale Strategic Metropolitan Centre. The West of Rail Precinct is a triangular area of roughly 10.84 hectares bound by the Armadale Train Line to the east, Forrest Road and Fifth Road. The Railway Station Precinct is a rectangular area of approximately 9.4 hectares that is bound by Commerce Avenue to the east and Green Avenue to the west. It runs from approximately Forrest Road to the north and Coombe Avenue to the south and incorporates the Armadale Train Station.
The City has prepared for normalisation of this Precinct by initiating Amendment Nos. 108, 117 and 120 to its Town Planning Scheme No.4 (TPS No.4). Amendment Nos. 108 and 117 were gazetted on 28 July 2020 and 4 March 2022 respectively. Amendment 120 is currently being considered by the Western Australian Planning Commission.
A Development Contribution Plan (DCP) which was administered by DevelopmentWA was terminated upon normalisation. Amendment No. 117 introduces a new DCP into the City of Armadale TPS No. 4 to operate within a portion of the precinct.
Amendment No.120 is intended to extend the boundaries of the DCP within Development Contribution Area (DCA) 8 to include Lots 4 and 502 Green Avenue, Armadale. Amendment No. 120 was adopted by Council on 28 February 2022 and has been forwarded to the WAPC and Minister for Planning for final approval. Following gazettal of Amendment No. 120, the DCP report and Infrastructure Cost Schedule will be advertised for public comment prior to the DCP being published and formally coming into effect.
An Activity Centre Plan (ACP) (now known as a Precinct Structure Plan) is applicable to the West of Rail Precinct. The ACP was approved by DevelopmentWA in August 2021 and was normalised to the City. The ACP, which guides development within the precinct, can be downloaded below.
This Precinct was normalised by DevelopmentWA on 6 May 2022, and at that point the City resumed planning control of the Precinct. Any planning applications or enquiries about subdivision or development should be directed to the City. Further details about Amendment Nos. 108, 117 and 120 can be downloaded below.
DevelopmentWA has indicated its intention to normalise Wungong Urban Water, which is a large Redevelopment area comprising the suburbs of Hilbert, Haynes and the portion of Wungong west of the railway line.
Current normalisation activities include the preparation of an amendment to the Metropolitan Region Scheme and a review of the Developer Contribution Plan.
At its meeting of 25 May 2020 Council adopted an amendment to Local Planning Policy PLN 3.10 - Residential Design Codes Variation which provides for use of the R-MD Codes in Wungong post-normalisation, in order to maintain the status quo and eliminate the administrative burden of assessing/administering individual LDPs. More information can be downloaded below.
The Kelmscott Precinct incorporates part, but not all of the Kelmscott District Centre. It is an area of approximately 13.78 hectares that is bound by the Armadale Railway Line, Third Avenue and Slee Avenue to the east, Albany Highway to the west and Davis Road to the south. The majority of the Kelmscott precinct comprises existing commercial development and is currently undergoing extensive infrastructure upgrades associated with the Denny Avenue Level Crossing Removal project.
Amendment No.112 will facilitate the normalisation of the Kelmscott Precinct into TPS No.4, appropriately zoning the area and enabling a Precinct Structure Plan to be prepared for the Precinct. That Scheme Amendment was adopted by Council on 22 November 2021 and has been forwarded to the WAPC and Minister for Planning for final approval.
DevelopmentWA's target date for normalisation of this Precinct will be published when available.
A number of DevelopmentWA Redevelopment Precincts have already been normalised, including the Champion Drive and Forrestdale Business Park East Precincts. Documents applicable to these Precincts can be downloaded below.
The remaining DevelopmentWA Redevelopment Precincts are Champion Lakes and Forrestdale Business Park West. These Precincts are likely to be normalised in future years and future information will be provided at the time.
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