The City's Club Development team is available to provide club support and assistance for all new and existing sport and recreation clubs.
If your club requires any assistance, would like to discuss any queries or would like to schedule a meeting; please contact the City's Club Development Officer
The City's Club Development Officer is currently planning a series of workshops for the upcoming year. If your club has any relevant topics which you would like to be considered, please email the City's Club Development Officer
Current Workshops and Programs
- First Aid Course - 22nd February, 2025 (registrations fulfilled)
- Sports Taping Courses (Introductory and Advanced) - 1st March, 2025 (spaces available)
- Raising funds beyond Government Funding - 26th March, 2025
- Multi-Sport Winter Series - March/April 2025 (dates TBC)
- Equip Me for Sport - April 2025 (dates TBC)
The Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries provides club support information and resources through the Every Club Hub. The Hub provides support on topics including, but not limited to:
- Starting a new club
- Business planning
- Marketing and promotion
- Volunteer management
To access the Hub, please visit the Every Club website

Every Club are committed to giving every club in Western Australia access to resources, guides, training opportunities and information on how they can improve their club and support their volunteers and members.
Want more information?
There are some other great sites that have loads of information and advice on how to run your club, planning, volunteers and topic specific advice.
- SportWest
- Sport England Club Matters
- Regional Sport Victoria Club Help
- Volunteering WA
- Clubs WA (specifically liquor licensing)
- Sports Community
- Australian Sports Foundation
More information
Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries
Telephone 61 8 9492 9740

KidSport is program administered by the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries which makes it possible for eligible children to participate in community sport by currently offering up to $500 per calendar year towards club fees.
Eligible children must be:
- Aged between 5 and 18 years of age.
- Listed on a valid Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card.
For more information and to apply, please visit the KidSport website. If you require further assistance, please email the City
City of Armadale Funding
The City offers funding support to sporting and community organisations. Please visit our Community Support page for more information.
Other Funding Sources
There are many funding sources available to Clubs and Volunteer Organisations. The list below is by no means exhaustive however, more provides examples of what is available and a place to start your search.
State Sporting Associations provide sport-specific guidance and support to clubs. State Sporting Association resources, training and education opportunities and upcoming events are available below. Please note that most State Sporting Associations will communicate directly with clubs to advise of local training opportunities or events. If you require any further information please contact your State Sporting Association.

The Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries (DLGSC) works collaboratively with government, community organisations, peak bodies and other stakeholders to achieve our vision of creating a vibrant, inclusive and connected WA community. To find out more, visit:
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