an image of a constructions site

Building site rubbish and refuse

It is a requirement of the City of Armadale’s Local Laws that rubbish receptacles are available on every building site. They must be adequate enough to ensure that the site is kept as clean and clear of rubbish as possible, and prevent any rubbish from being blown off site onto other properties.

Please contact us with enquiries or to make a complaint regarding rubbish and refuse on development and construction sites. 

Infringement Notices (with modified penalties of up to $500 for each offence) will be issued to those builders that do not meet the requirements.

Noise management

Construction work must be carried out between 7am and 7pm, Monday to Saturday. Construction noise includes power tools, excavation, installation and demolitions.

For any construction work required outside of the above mentioned hours, a Noise Management Plan must be submitted to the City seven days prior to any works commencing. This plan must be approved by the City's Health Services team before works can commence.

Please submit your application form and accompanying plan to the City either in person or by email at For a list of our current fees and charges please refer to our schedule of fees.

Note, it is an offence under the Environmental Protection (Noise) Regulations 1997 to commence any works without an approved Noise Management Plan. Penalties apply.

See also our page on Dust and sand drift prevention

Page Last Reviewed 14 December 2023