be kind

Be kind to your neighbour

Have you checked on your neighbour recently? This pandemic is tough on us all and a helping hand would go a long way to making it easier, especially for our older and at risk residents.  

Be a respectful neighbour

  • Be respectful and keep your noise down. You can find more information about appropriate noise levels at 
  • Check in on your neighbour every now and then to make sure they’re alright
  • Be mindful of inappropriate language 
  • Keep shared spaces clean and tidy 
  • Smile at people when you are out and about your neighbourhood 
  • Drop off some home cooked food 
  • Keep your physical distance ​

Communication support postcard

Why not drop a letter into your neighbours letterbox to introduce yourself and see if they need any assistance? Print the below postcard to get you started. 

Be kind to workers

Measures are in place at all open businesses for the safety of the workers, visitors and the wider community. 

  • Follow the hygiene guidelines in place: wear a face mask, sanitize your hands on arrival and exit. Wash your hands thoroughly and always cough into your elbow. 
  • Follow the social distancing guidelines in place and respect others needs to keep their distance. 
  • Be patient and polite. Some tasks might take longer due to new hygiene standards. Remember this is not the workers fault and is for the safety of everyone.  
  • Appreciate that all workers are doing their best. Say thank you. 

Be kind to local businesses

Many of our local businesses took a massive hit during shut downs and will be trying to recover for quite some time. You can help them out by shopping local and supporting businesses by following social media accounts, liking and sharing their content. As a community we can help foster successful local businesses. 


Want to shop local but not sure how? Jump onto Armadale Localised to find all local businesses that have registered. 

Perth Hills Armadale Visitor Centre

Our Visitor Centre can help you locate local businesses for whatever your need might be. They are now open so you can visit face to face or you can contact them via phone or email. If you’re a local business looking for more promotion get in touch about their business memberships! Check them out at

Be kind to yourself

The City of Armadale is committed to the health, safety and wellbeing of, our residents. It's important that you are kind to yourself and take care of your mental and physical wellbeing.

Keeping physically healthy

Staying active is so important to your physical and mental health. Things will look and feel a little different to start off with, so we thank you for your patience as we navigate this next phase together. If you are unwell or vulnerable, we ask that you continue to stay safe and access our virtual services and 'work-in' from the comfort of your home. There are a range of options when it comes to keeping physically fit at home. 

  • Virtual workouts - Access virtual workouts on the Armadale Fitness and Aquatic Centre YouTube channel. Here, the amazing team from AFAC will be uploading a range of 'at home' workouts for you to try. Subscribe to their channel or keep an eye on their 'Virtual Workouts' playlist to see their latest fitness videos.
  • My Wellness - Download the free MyWellness app on your mobile and select 'Armadale Fitness and Aquatic Centre' as your home club, for virtual fitness on the go! The team from AFAC have posted regular exercise routines, ranging in difficulty to suit all fitness levels. 

Mental health support

We know things have been difficult, and it’s not over yet. That’s why looking out for your mental health is so important right now. If you or a family member is feeling the emotional toll, there are a range of resources online.

24/7 Crisis services
Lifeline 13 11 14 or
Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467 or
beyondblue 1300 224 636 or


Other services
R U OK? Can help you identify signs that you or a loved one are not OK, and have dedicated information on the importance of staying connected
Sane Australia 1800 187 263 or
headspace Are available to assist young people experiencing stress and anxiety. Visit to find your nearest centre or call headspace on 1800 650 890
Kids Helpline A free, private and confidential telephone and online service specifically for young people. Phone 1800 55 1800.
MercyCare Reconnect Reconnect supports young people aged 12-18 years and their families who are experiencing family conflict which has led to unstable accommodation or could eventually lead to the young person being unable to stay at home. The program uses an early intervention, outreach approach to address family conflict, strengthen relationships, and help to stabilise living circumstances. For more information and referrals, phone 1800 800 046.
Minnawarra House All classes are cancelled. Online counselling is available by calling 9497 1413 to arrange a booking. Emergency food relief is no longer operating.
1800 Respect Phone 1800 737 732
Mens Line Australia Phone 1300 78 99 78
Women’s Domestic Violence Helpline Phone 1800 007 339
Family Violence Service Phone 1800 600 476
Family Law Outreach Service Phone 6253 9500
Gosnells Community Legal Centre  Tuesday-Friday 9.30am-12.30pm, and 1.30-3.30. Gosnells Community Lotteries House, Suite 1/2232 Albany Hwy. Phone 9398 1455.

If you are feeling emotionally challenged, it is best to avoid alcohol and drug use. It is vital to keep yourself physically and mentally stable for you and your loved ones.

e-Library - food for your brain!

Like your body you have to feed your mind to keep it healthy. If you’re looking for something to do that's ‘not just netflix’ to help get you through the days visit the Armadale Libraries e-Library to access a range of online services! These resources are all free, can be accessed from anywhere with a PC, tablet or mobile phone, and all you need is your library card and a login set up to access. Looking for eBooks, movies, magazines, digital media, or learning activities? Or maybe you want to improve your english or learn a new language? There's something for everyone at the e-Library!

Page Last Reviewed 20 October 2023