Pensioners and seniors rebates
Find out about pensioner and senior rates rebates, eligibility and entitlement for rebates, deferment and rebate options and concession cards.

If you are a pensioner or senior, you may be able to apply for a rebate on your Council Rates and Emergency Services Levy (ESL).

To qualify, ratepayers must meet all of the following criteria:

  • You must be the Owner and Occupier of the property as at 1st July of that year.
  • You must be the holder of a valid;
    • WA Seniors Card
    • Commonwealth Seniors Health Card together with a WA Seniors Card
    • Pensioner Concession Card
    • State Concession Card

Rebates do not apply to Health Care Cards or Department of Veterans Affairs Gold Card holders. Gold Card Holders are advised to contact the Department of Veterans Affairs on 133 254 to find out if they are eligible for a State Concession Card.

Lease for life pensioners living in retirement villages, caravan parks and park homes under long term leases will now be able to claim a pensioner rebate on their rates, if they hold one of the above cards, but cannot defer their rates. Your complex administration should contact the Department of Treasury and Finance for more information.

If you have a shared equity property with the Department of Housing and are responsible for 100 per cent of the rates and charges you are eligible for the rebate however will not be eligible to defer the payment of your rates or ESL.

How do I apply for the rebate?

  • Contact the Water Corporation on 1300 659 951 with your pensioner card details or WA Senior card details, they will then update our details automatically, or
  • Apply online at

A pro-rata rebate may be available from the date of registration for Pensioners and Seniors who become eligible throughout the year however you must be the Owner and Occupier of the property as at 1 July of that year. 

If you experience any difficulties please contact the City’s Rates Department on 9394 5647 and we will help you with the process.

How much is the rebate?

  • For Pensioner Concession Cards or State Concession Cards it is up to 50% (to a maximum of $750 as capped by the State Government) on your current rates, plus up to 50% off  the ESL.
  • For Commonwealth Seniors Health Care Cards with a WA Seniors Cards it is up to 50% (to a maximum of $750 as capped by the State Government) on your current rates, plus up to 50% off the ESL.
  • If you hold a Seniors Card only, you are entitled to a rebate of up to 25% (to a maximum of $100 capped by the State Government) on your current rates, plus 25% off the ESL.

Can I lose my rebate?

Seniors and part Pensioners must finalise their account by the end of the financial year. If all outstanding rates are not cleared by the end of the financial year, Seniors and Pensioners will lose their concession rebate for that financial year and may not be eligible for the following year until it is paid in full or a Special Payment Arrangement is made. The arrangement must be maintained and is available under the City’s Smarter Way to Pay direct debit arrangement.

Change of circumstances

If your circumstances change, particularly with respect to the ownership of your property, or your eligibility as a pensioner or senior, you must notify the City immediately.

If you have a new address or have experienced the death of a spouse please complete a change of Address or Name form attaching the required documents to support your request.

You should also contact the Water Corporation to ensure your rebate is correct for the coming year on 1300 659 951 or

When are my Rates Due?

As an eligible registered concession holder within the City of Armadale, you have until 4.30pm on 30 June of each financial year to have full payment of rates and emergency services levy receipted to your property assessment.

Please note: If payment is received after the due date, you may lose the rebate for that financial year and must pay the full amount.

Service fees (ie. rubbish charges and pool inspection fees) are due by the annual due date.

Please contact the City’s Rates Department on 9394 5647 if you require any assistance.

Can I defer my Rates?

If eligible, rates and emergency services levy will be automatically deferred if the amount required to be paid on the Annual Rate Notice is not paid by 30 June of the current financial year.

Rebates or deferments apply to your current rates and ESL. All other charges e.g. rubbish service must be paid in full by the due date.

Lease for life pensioners living in retirement villages, caravan parks and park homes under long term leases, life tenants and shared equity properties cannot defer rates or ESL.

How do I organise a concession card?

  • WA Seniors Card
    1800 671 233 or (08) 6551 8800
  • Completed Senior forms should be sent to:
    Seniors Card
    WA Seniors Card Centre
    Locked Bag 3
  • Commonwealth Seniors Health Care Card
    13 23 00
  • Commonwealth Pensioner Concession Card
    13 23 00
  • State Concession Card
    (08) 9222 2555
  • Alternatively contact the Commonwealth Department of Veteran Affairs
    13 32 54

Where can I find more information?

Page Last Reviewed 27 February 2023