The City has received an application for the abovementioned proposal, which involves the following:
The construction of a two storey single house at Lot 169, No. 2 Kimber Rise, Bedfordale. This property is on the corner of Kimber Rise and Dumas Drive and was formerly numbered as 12 Dumas Drive. Lot 169 is 3483m2 in area and is presently vacant. The zoning of the property is Special Residential under the City of Armadale's Town Planning Scheme No. 4 (TPS 4).
- The applicant has requested that the City give consideration to variations of some of the development standards for the Special Residential zone under TPS 4. These variations are:
- An overall site cover of 697m2 in lieu of 500m2. The proposal does not include any outbuildings.
- Variations to the 6m wall height and 9m roof height limits. The proposal incorporates a variation to the wall height being 7.6m at its maximum height and 10.7m to the roof pitch. Please note that the proposal indicates a partial cut and fill to the existing natural ground level so the house displays lesser heights than the maximum heights listed where the ground level is proposed to be reduced.
- Some works incidental to the single house are proposed outside the development envelope, namely retaining wall works. The single house is contained within the development envelope. The applicant has also requested consideration of removal of three trees located outside the development envelope.
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