The City has received an application for the abovementioned proposal, which involves the following:
The development of a child care centre for 97 children and 13 staff on the 2086m² site;
The centre is proposed to operate 6.30am to 6.30pm Monday to Friday, closing on public holidays;
No specific operator has been identified in order to provide a detailed Operational Management Plan, however the applicant notes that generally 20 to 24 children would be outside at any one time between 9am to 11am, weather permitting. Then a lunch break and sleep time between the hours of 11am to 1pm. After 1pm there is a combination of internal and external activities between the hours of 1pm to 4pm. Children are then usually inside waiting upon their parents to collect them between 4pm to 6.30pm;
27 parking bays as required by Town Planning Scheme No.4, with a crossover to Laperla Street as the lowest order road is proposed, which is as recommended by Local Planning Policy PLN 3.2 Child Care Premises and Family Day Care;
A 2.2m high colorbond fencing with a 1m 45° angled section on top, is proposed adjacent to and overhanging the proposed carpark on the north boundary. Schedule 1 of the City’s Fencing Local Law permits a minimum height of 1.8m up to a maximum of 2.1m (including screening), so the proposal represents a variation in this regard. The fence is proposed to meet the recommendations of an accompanying Environmental Acoustic Assessment, to ensure noise emissions are compliant with the Environmental Protection Noise Regulations. The remainder of the fence on the north boundary (i.e. not adjacent the car park) is compliant at 2m high;
The Environmental Acoustic Assessment prepared by Herring Storer Acoustics (dated July 2020) supports the application and is available for review. With the proposed fencing, careful placement of air conditioning equipment the report concludes that the proposal can meet the requirements of the Environmental Protection Noise Regulations;
A Transport Impact Statement prepared by Transcore (dated July 2020) supports the application and is available for review. The Statement concludes that traffic generation is relatively low and would not have any significant impact on the surrounding road network.
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