The Heritage Act 2018 requires all local governments in Western Australia to compile, and periodically update and review a Local Heritage Survey (formerly known as a Municipal Heritage Inventory). The LHS is to include a detailed list of all properties considered of significant heritage value and includes a management category which ranks each property in accordance with their level of heritage significance. This usually ranges from Category (1) to (4) with Category (1) being the most significant and can include State Heritage Listed properties.
The City’s former MHI prepared by Palassis Architects in 2008 contained a total of 106 heritage places and was due for a review in accordance with the Heritage Act 2018 and is one of the more significant documents for consideration in preparing a new Town Planning Scheme. In February 2018 the City procured the services of heritage consultant - Stephen Carrick Architects to undertake the review of the City’s MHI. Since their appointment, the City and the Heritage Consultant has been engaged with the City’s Heritage Advisory Group (CHAG) and broader community in preparing a new Local Heritage Survey.
Following a period of consultation, and having included a significant number of modifications follow receipt of information from the City’s Heritage Advisory Group and the broader Community, Council resolved at its meeting on the 28th January 2020 to adopt the LHS and it is now finalised. The LHS (2020) can be located at the City’s main administration building and at all Municipal libraries as well as online below.
The LHS is a celebration and recognition of Armadale’s rich heritage and is an important heritage and town planning document.
Heritage List
Under Town Planning Scheme No.4 Schedule A - Supplemental Provisions to the Deemed Provisions Clauses 61(1)(k), (l), (m) and (n) Planning Approval will be required to be obtained for any development (including advertising signs or demolition) on any place listed in the Heritage List. The adopted Heritage list is available to download below.
Council adopted the modified Local Heritage Survey at the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 22 May 2023 with the following modifications:
- Addition of two (2) Heritage Places from the former Development WA West of Rail Precinct to the Local Heritage Survey following normalisation of the area back into the City’s Planning Scheme and the addition of the RSL Building to the Heritage List as it has a Category 2 conservation classification.
- Minor modifications to the Local Heritage Survey to amend the contents page and correct changed address details for two properties and update the Place Record for Dr Colyer’s Residence.
Council adopted the modified Heritage List at the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 22 May 2023 with the following modifications:
- Modifications to the format of the Heritage List are required to bring it into consistency with the latest Heritage Council guidelines for Heritage Lists.
- Addition of the RSL Building at 1 Commerce Avenue Armadale to the Heritage List.
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