Location: 145 Hopkinson Road, Hilbert (entry from roundabout at Gloaming Way)
Opening hours: The facility is open from 8am to 4.45pm, seven days a week and is closed New Year’s Day, Good Friday and Christmas Day. The facility closes at noon on Christmas Eve (24 December) and New Years Eve (31 December).
NOTE: No commercial loads accepted after 4pm sharp.
NOTE: Due to increases in the landfill levy- any vehicle/trailer/truck configuration weighing over 3 tonnes or 2.6m3 must weigh in and out at the weighbridge. Tonnage fees apply.
Early Closure in Extreme Weather Conditions: In the interest of the health and safety of customers and staff, the Landfill may close at short notice due to extreme weather conditions that includes, but is not limited to, high temperatures, electrical storm activity, strong winds or flooding. Please check the website for alerts or the City’s Facebook page for notifications of early closures.
- General waste
- Greenwaste
- Recyclables
- Tyres: with a designated tip pass, up to four small passenger tyres or two 4WD tyres (off rim) accepted. Without a tip pass, fees apply.
- Household hazardous waste - maximum 20 litres or 20kg per type
- Asbestos (only up to 5kg from City of Armadale residents, if packaged and wrapped to the prescribed standard).
Dispose of your recyclables for free
If your car, ute or trailer only contains the following it will be free (up to 1.3 cubic metres):
- Whitegoods, eg fridges, freezers and washing machines
- Scrap metal including small amounts of wire, rinsed steel and aluminium cans
- Car batteries
- Cardboard/packing boxes (must be flattened and clean)
- Glass bottles
- Small household appliances (e.g. kettles, toasters, hairdryers, stereos - maximum 4)
- Computers and televisions (Maximum 4 screens)
- Polystyrene
Important notes
- Loads that contain any other materials will be charged at the standard rate.
- Green waste and brick rubble are not free items and will be charged.
- Residential loads only - commercial loads will not be accepted.
- Metal drums must have the entire lid removed (remove top of drum).
- The Armadale Landfill and Recycling Facility is no longer a Drum Muster location.
- Commercial loads must be weighed in by 4pm sharp.
Why are only some recyclables accepted for free?
The City can cover the cost of handling items such as steel and aluminium by reselling them. Items such as green waste and rubble are costly to process and have little or no resale value and therefore cannot be accepted for free.
A sorted load is one that has been separated into waste types. For example, it is important that green waste is separate from general rubbish that is going to landfill as it can be mulched. Other items such as scrap metal, whitegoods, brick rubble and sand/soil can be recycled and need to be separated.
Sorting rubbish at the landfill saves you money and prolongs the life of the landfill.
Loads containing items that can be recycled but have not been sorted will be charged at the unsorted rate.
How to sort a load
When preparing your load you must separate all your items of waste into the following categories:
- Cardboard
- Glass bottles
- Aluminium cans
- Scrap metal
- Plastics
- Vehicle batteries
- Green waste
- Clean sand, soil or clay
- Brick rubble
- Concrete
- Reinforced concrete
- Old furniture
- Whitegoods
- E-Waste
- Household Hazardous Waste
- Tyres
Using tip passes
- Volume limits apply for the use of tip passes.
- Each pass is only for up to 1.3 cubic metres of sorted waste.
- One pass can be used for up to 4 cubic metres of green waste where written on pass.
- Only for use for sorted loads in cars or utilities with/without trailers (trucks cannot enter the sorting area).
- Maximum of two tip passes per entry for sorted waste.
- No tip passes can be used for sorted loads over 2.6 cubic metres - these must be weighed.
- Loads over 2.6 cubic metres must be weighed and the amount owing paid to the weighbridge attendant.
- Mattresses are not included in a sorted load and an additional tip pass must be surrendered - maximum two mattresses.
- Tip passes are not accepted for unsorted loads, asbestos, large tyres and mixed waste containing recyclable materials.
Resident Fee (formerly additional paid pass)
Residents can pay for sorted waste or green waste loads taken to Armadale Landfill and Recycling Facility or Roleystone Greenwaste Site (green waste only) for a discounted fee.
To receive the discount you must be a resident in the City of Armadale and show driver's licence and a bill, such as rates notice or utility bill with your City of Armadale address.
For more information call the City on 9394 5124.
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