Notice is hereby given that the City of Armadale has prepared the above mentioned Scheme Amendment.
Scheme Amendment No. 109 to Town Planning Scheme No. 4 is an omnibus amendment that consists of 30 proposed changes to the Scheme maps and several changes to the Scheme text. The proposals focus on refinements to improve the Scheme’s operation and effectiveness.
Documents setting out and explaining the Scheme Amendment are downloadable below.
Please download relevant documents:
Frequently Asked Questions
* available for download from the download relevant documents section (above).
Town Planning Scheme No. 4 (TPS No.4) is town planning legislation used within the City of Armadale.
A scheme amendment is a proposal that modifies the text or the map zonings under Town Planning Scheme No. 4.
An omnibus amendment is a collection of small or minor amendment proposals that are combined into one scheme amendment. An omnibus will typically occur when there is a collection of smaller matters that do not each warrant an individual scheme amendment process
due to the administration time involved in in progressing a scheme amendment.
The City’s Town Planning Scheme No.4 (TPS No.4) was originally approved 2005. Review of the Scheme identified that there needed to be a number of modifications made to the Scheme to take into account changes to planning legislation and practice over the years and to correct minor errors or omissions required to the Scheme text and the Scheme maps. To do this the Council initiated an Omnibus Scheme Amendment, which is an amendment that allows the Council to do multiple minor changes to the Scheme at the same time instead of doing a lot of separate scheme amendments. A total of ten (10) proposals have been identified for inclusion in this omnibus amendment.
Omnibus Amendment No.109 consists of the following proposals:
- Zoning Amendments to the Scheme Map (see Tables below);
- Adding Bushfire protection to the aims of the Scheme under Clause 1.6 of the text;
- Amending the Zoning Table in the text to make the land use of “Consulting rooms” (small medical practices) a Permitted (P) land use in the Strategic Regional Centre Zone and making “”Medical Centre” (a large medical practice) a “Discretionary” (may be considered by Council) in the Mixed Business/Residential Zone;
- Adding a new Clause 4.15 to the Scheme text in regard to the new “Design Review Panel” the Council has set up to assess major Planning Proposals;
- Adding a new Clause 4.16 that would enable areas of the City of Armadale currently under the control of Development WA in Hilbert and Haynes to easily be brought back under the control of the City of Armadale as a process of normalisation occurs for those areas.
- Modifying Clause 4D Landscaping Requirements to include the requirements for a 3 metre landscaping strip at the front of properties in the Forrestdale Business Park. The FBP was previously under the control of Development WA so was not addressed in the City’s Scheme.
- Modifying Shade Tree Parking Requirements under parts 4C and 4D of the Scheme Text to allow for variation to the location of shade trees for parking bays directly in front of commercial buildings;
- Removing Additional Use 28 under Schedule 2 at former Lot 105 (No.119) Brookton Highway, Hill Street, Kelmscott (former Colli Timber site) as the site has been redeveloped for residential purposes;
- Adding a new Additional Use 49 under Schedule 2 for “Bulky Goods Showroom” at Lot 1 (1256) Armadale Road, Armadale (Haynes Shopping Centre) to recognise the existing showroom style stores already developed on site or proposed under the approved Structure Plan for the centre; and
- Modifying the car parking requirements related to “Residential Building” under Schedule 7A of the Scheme text. A “Residential Building” is basically holiday accommodation or student accommodation or a boarding house or similar.
Refer to proposal numbers on the maps for Amendment 109 to see where each proposal is located.
No | Address | Existing Zoning | Proposed Zoning | Reason for Change |
1 | Lot 2368 Dale Road, Armadale (Bavich Reserve) | Residential | Parks and Recreation | Is reserved for Public Recreation |
2 | Lot 4120 and a portion of Lot 19 Woodcroft Place, Mount Richon (Woodcroft Reserve) | Residential | Parks and Recreation | Is reserved for Drainage |
3 | Lot 4163 Richon Heights, Mount Richon | TPS No.4 -Rural Living 1 MRS - Rural | Parks and Recreation | Is reserved for Drainage |
4 | Lot 3877 Cooliabberra Drive, Mount Richon | TPS No.4 -Rural Living 1 MRS - Rural | Parks and Recreation | Is reserved for Drainage |
5 | Lot 3876 Leys Rise, Mount Richon | TPS No.4 -Rural Living 1 MRS - Rural | Parks and Recreation | Is reserved for Drainage |
6 | Lot 4868 and Lot 206 Ironcap Place and Lot 2904 Tomah Road, Armadale (Morgan Park) | Residential | Parks and Recreation | Is reserved for Public Recreation |
7 | Lot 4157 Albens Vale, Roleystone (Albens Vale Park) and Lot 4159 Rubida Rise, Roleystone (Rubida Park) | Residential | Parks and Recreation | Is reserved for Drainage |
8 | Lot 5028 Indica Court, Roleystone (Indica Park) | Residential | Parks and Recreation | Is reserved for Drainage |
9 | Lot 830 Zavatteri Rise, Roleystone (Maclean Park) | Residential | Parks and Recreation | Is reserved for Public Recreation |
10 | Lot 8000 Moseri Road, Roleystone (Moseri Reserve) and Lot 802 Heath Road, Roleystone | Residential | Parks and Recreation | Is reserved for Public Recreation and Drainage |
11 | Lot 2247 Adair Avenue, Mount Nasura (Adair Reserve) | Residential | Parks and Recreation | Is reserved for Public Recreation |
12 | Lot 4999 Brookton Highway, Kelmscott (Hicks/Savage Park) | Residential | Parks and Recreation | Is reserved for Public Recreation |
13 | Lot 503 Thompson Road, Roleystone | TPS No.4 -Rural Living 2 MRS - Rural | Parks and Recreation | Is reserved for Public Recreation |
14 | Lot 3860 Henrietta Avenue, Mount Nasura (Henrietta Reserve) | Residential | Parks and Recreation | Is reserved for Public Recreation |
15 | Lot 3764, 3746 and Lot 255 Kincraig Close and Lot 255 Clyde Place, Comillo (Troon Park) | Residential | Parks and Recreation | Is reserved for Public Recreation |
16 | Lot 616 Edinburgh Road, Roleystone (Boisdale Park) and Lot 457 Lomond Way (Lamond Park) | Residential | Parks and Recreation | Is reserved for Public Recreation and Drainage |
17 | Lot 101 Ticklie Road, Seville Grove (Ticklie Park) | Residential | Parks and Recreation | Is reserved for Public Recreation |
18 | Lot 3918 Lisbon Way, Seville Grove | Residential | Parks and Recreation | Is reserved for Public Recreation |
19 | Lot 8002, 8005, 8006, 8007 Ralphs Street, Lot 4927 Braemoore Street and Lot 11 Skua Grove, Seville Grove. | Residential | Parks and Recreation | Is reserved for Public Recreation |
20 | Lot 122 Semple Road, Camillo | Residential | Parks and Recreation | Is reserved for Public Recreation and Drainage |
21 | Lot 352 and 451 Weld Street and Robinson Street (William Skeet Oval) | Public Purpose | Parks and Recreation | Is reserved for Public Hall Site and Recreation |
22 | Lot 3442 Bishop Close, Seville Grove | Residential | Parks and Recreation | Is reserved for Public Recreation |
23 | Lot 212 Asplin Loop, Kelmscott | Residential | Parks and Recreation | Is reserved for Public Recreation and Drainage |
24 | Lot 500 and 501 Ranford Road, Harrisdale (Shepard Reserve) | Urban Development Zone | Parks and Recreation | Is reserved for Public Recreation |
25 | Portion of Lot 308 Calliandra Place, Roleystone and Portion of Reserve 32120 (Russelia Reserve) | Lot 308 – Residential Reserve 32120 - Parks and Recreation | Portion of Lot 308 -Parks and Recreation Portion of Reserve 32120 - Residential | Land swap resulting from encroachment as per previous Council decision |
26 | Lot 167 Amethyst Crescent, Mount Richon | Residential | Parks and Recreation | Set aside by the City for drainage purposes. Freehold lot owned by City. |
27 | Lot 11 Godwit Retreat, Bedfordale | TPS No.4 - Unzoned Metropolitan Region Scheme (MRS) - Rural | Rural Living 10 | To correct inconsistency between Town Planning Scheme and MRS zoning. Is zoned Rural under MRS. |
28 | Portion of Lot 820 Old Coach Place, Roleystone (privately owned) | TPS No.4 - Unzoned MRS - Urban | Residential | Presumed land swap between resident and Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage resulting from encroachment |
29 | Lot 66 Wilcania Way, Armadale | Residential | Parks and Recreation | Owned by State for reserve purposes |
30 | Lot 300 Ninth Road, Brookdale (Flematti Reserve) | Residential | Parks and Recreation | Owned by State for reserve purposes |
Please use the Submission Form available on the City’s website or attached to the City’s letter. Written submissions may be lodged by mail or in person at the City’s Administration Centre, 7 Orchard Road, Armadale, or by email to:
An information sheet on how to write a submission on a planning proposal such as an amendment to the Scheme is available on the City’s website via this link:
The closing date for submissions is 4.45pm 17 September 2020. The consideration of any late submissions is at the discretion of the Council.
If you require further information please email or contact the City’s Planning Information Services on 9394 5000.
Initiation of Scheme Amendment 109 by Council
EPA Referral of Scheme Amendment 109
Commencement of Advertising of Amendment 109
Close of Submissions on Amendment 109 (17 September 2020 at 4.45pm)
Consideration of submissions by Development Services Committee and Council and Council decision on Amendment 109
Submitters advised of Council decision with regard to Amendment 109
Amendment 109 forwarded to Western Australia Planning Commission and Hon. Minister for Planning for determination
WAPC advise Council of decision of Hon. Minister for Planning on Amendment 109