Revised Application for Development Approval - Child Care Premises - Lot 217, No. 29 Third Avenue, Kelmscott

Further to an application advertised last year, the City has received a revised application for the above proposal, which involves the following:

  1. The use of the existing buildings on site, outside of church hours, for a child care centre for 80 children and 8 staff on the 9211m² site.

  2. The centre is proposed to operate 6:30am to 6:00pm Monday to Friday, closing on public holidays.

  3. 18 parking bays are required by Town Planning Scheme No. 4, which exist on site.

  4. Assessment concludes that traffic generation is lower than the approved use of Place of Worship and would not have any significant impact on the surrounding road network.
  5. Addressing noise emissions and acoustic impacts by:
    1. Installing boundary fencing abutting the residential units to the south-west should Outdoor Area 1 be used. This shall be a solid fence 2.1m high with a 1.5m protrusion in to Lot 217 set 45° from the top of the fence as per the submitted Environment Acoustic Assessment to comply with the requirements of the Environmental Protection (Noise) Regulations 1997.
    2. It is noted, the outdoor play area to be located centrally to the site does not require modifications to fencing to comply with the requirements of the Environmental Protection (Noise) Regulations 1997.
    3. Children remaining inside prior to 7am.
    4. Restricting parking prior to 7am to the bays immediately adjacent to the building, as identified in the Environment Acoustic Assessment to comply with the requirements of the Environmental Protection (Noise) Regulations 1997.
  6. Operational Management Plan for:

    Before and After School

Time Activities
6:30-8:00am Breakfast and free play / Technology Time
8am 3 x vans leave for school drop off
9am 3 x vans return from school drop off. Staff lock up and leave.
2:30-3pm Staff return to centre and prepare for the afternoon program.
3pm 3 x vans leave for school pick up
3:30-3:45pm 3 x vans reutn from school pick up
3:45-4pm Afternoon tea
4-5pm Activity inside / outside (weather permitting)
5-6pm Free Play / Home Time (No Technology)
6-6:15pm Staff lock up and clean

Vacation Care Timetable:

Time Activities
6:30-8:30am Breakfast and Free Play / Technology Time
8:30-9:30am Activity / Leave for Excursion
9:30-10:30am Free play (no technology)
10:30-12pm Activity outside (weather permitting)
12-1pm Lunch
1-2:30pm Activity Inside / Outside
2:30-3pm Free play / Technology Time
3-3:30pm Afternoon Tea
3:30-4:30pm Activity inside / outside (weather permitting)
4:30-6pm Free Play / Home Time (No Technology)
6-6:15pm Staff lock up and clean


Please download relevant documents: 

Frequently asked questions:

What is a Development Application?

A Development Application is a formal request for Planning Approval to carry out proposed development. Planning Approval may be required for a change of land use, construction of buildings, erection of signage or demolition. Local Governments have the authority to determine Development Applications under the power of a Town Planning Scheme. A Building Permit is also required to be obtained for construction of or additions to buildings or fit out of buildings involving structural components, such as partitioning, in a business premise.

What is this Development Application proposing?

The application proposes to use the existing buildings on site, outside of church hours, for a child care centre for 30-50 children and 10 staff. 8 parking bays are required by Town Planning Scheme No. 4, which exist on site. The centre is proposed to operate 6:30am to 6:00pm Monday to Friday, closing on public holidays.

Why is this Development Application being advertised?

This use is proposed in a Residential area and thus is advertised for public comment in accordance with Clause 64(3)(d) of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Scheme) Regulations 2015.

Who is being consulted on the proposal?

The City is opening consultation to potentially affected landowners and the public through advertising on the City's website. All information is available on the City’s website. Anyone interested in the proposal can provide feedback through making a submission via email or in hard-copy form.

How do I provide feedback?

If you wish to comment on the proposal, please complete the Submission Form available from the Public Notices/Open for Comment section on the City’s website under the heading Development Application – Child Care Centre (29 Third Avenue, Kelmscott):

A hardcopy of the Submission Form can also be obtained from the City’s Administration Building at 7 Orchard Avenue Armadale during business hours 8:15 to 4:45 Monday to Friday, or you may request a copy to be mailed or emailed.

You must lodge your submission with the City by the closing date . You can either post the Submission Form back to the City (Locked Bag 2, Armadale WA 6992), deliver it to the City’s Administration Building (7 Orchard Avenue Armadale) or email it to:

When does the submission period close?

The advertising period for a Development Application is required to be at least 14 days in accordance with the requirements of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Scheme) Regulations 2015.

The advertising period for this Development Application closes at 4.45pm on 26 February 2021.

Will the personal details on my submission be released to the public?

The City will not publish your name and address or release these details to the applicant.

Will I receive any further notifications on the proposal after I lodge my submission?

If you lodge a submission on this proposal the City will write to or email you once a decision has been made on the proposal.

What happens next?

After the close of the Submissions Period, the City will summarise all submissions received from the public and government agencies and determine to either approve the development as proposed, approve the development subject to conditions requiring modifications to the development or refuse to approve the development.

Who can I contact for more information on this proposal?

For further information on proposed development please contact Karen Colli, Administrative Officer - Planning on 9394 5686 or email


February 2021
Application received by the City
February 2021
Consideration by Development Control Unit
February 2021
Advertising to potentially affected landowners and public
March 2021
Collate and consider submissions
April 2021
Determine application

Page Last Reviewed 8 February 2021