Proposed Activity and Retail (Commercial) Centres Strategy

Notice is hereby given that the City of Armadale has prepared the above mentioned Strategy for the purposes of public consultation.

The City of Armadale Activity and Retail (Commercial) Centres Strategy is a 10-15 year strategy for the growth and development of the City’s commercial centres.  The Strategy is set within the State Planning Framework and is aligned to the City’s Community Plan and Town Planning Scheme. The Activity and Retail (Commercial) Centres Strategy addresses the following:

  • Provides an overview of the City of Armadale in terms of population (current and projected), age profile, implications for the Armadale Activity Centres in terms of workforce and employment and overview of key employment locations within the City;
  • Strategic Drivers that will influence commercial development and employment in future including new residential development, changing retail landscape (i.e. growth of purchasing on line) and the importance of ‘centres’ in creating a sense of place;
  • Key Objectives of the Strategy including Centre Hierarchy, Activity, Movement, Urban Form, Governance;
  • Retail Behaviour and its impact on Activity Centres, such as household expenditure, discretionary spending levels and growth estimates.
  • Strategic and Policy Context including key strategic and policy parameters which will impact the growth and form of Activity Centres (i.e. Local Planning Strategy, Normalisation of DevelopmentWA areas etc);
  • Individual Centre review looking at each existing and proposed centres in the hierarchy (Strategic Regional Centre, District Centres, Neighbourhood Centres and Local Centres) and identifies initiatives to improve the Centres.
  • Identification of model case studies that can be used to guide the future development of existing centres and future centres in terms of size, scale and urban form. This section provides examples of all centre hierarchy (Strategic Regional Centre, District Centres, Neighbourhood Centres and Local Centres).
  • Key recommendations on each of the existing and future Activity Centres. 

Documents setting out and explaining the above are downloadable below.

If you have any queries regarding this matter or require further information please contact the Sergio Famiano, on 9394 5136 or by email at

Please download relevant documents:

Frequently Asked Questions

* available for download from the download relevant documents section (above).

What is the City of Armadale Activity and Retail (Commercial) Centres Strategy?

The City of Armadale Activity and Retail (Commercial) Centres Strategy is a 10-15 year strategy for the growth and development of the City’s commercial centres.  The Strategy is set within the State Planning Framework and is aligned to the City’s Community Plan and Town Planning Scheme. The Activity and Retail (Commercial) centres Strategy addresses the following:

  • Provides an overview of the City of Armadale in terms of population (current and projected). Age profile, implications for the Armadale Activity Centres in terms of workforce and employment and overview of key employment locations within the City;
  • Strategic Drivers that will influence commercial development and employment in future including new residential development, changing retail landscape (i.e. growth of purchasing on line) and the importance of ‘centres’ in creating a sense of place;
  • Key Objectives of the Strategy including centre Hierarchy, Activity, Movement, Urban Form, Governance;
  • Retail Behaviour and its impact on Activity Centres, such as household expenditure, discretionary spending levels and growth estimates.
  • Strategic and Policy Context including key strategic and policy parameters which will impact the growth and form of Activity Centres (i.e. Local Planning Strategy, Normalisation of DevelopmentWA areas etc);
  •  Individual Centre review looking at each existing and proposed centre in the hierarchy (Strategic Regional Centre, District Centres, Neighbourhood Centres and Local Centres) and identifies initiatives to improve the Centres.
  • Centre Case Studies, a number of model case studies that can be used to guide the future development of existing centres and future centres in terms of size, scale and urban form. This section provides examples of all centre hierarchy (Strategic Regional Centre, District Centres, Neighbourhood Centres and Local Centres).
  • Key recommendations on each of the existing and future Activity centres.
Why is the City of Armadale Activity and Retail (Commercial) Centres Strategy important?

The Strategy not only provides guidance on the development of existing and future Activity Centres, but also forms a key Strategy that supports the review of the City’s Town Planning Scheme No.4 which is due to commence in 2020/21.

Which Centres are included in the City of Armadale Activity and Retail (Commercial) Centres Strategy?

All Centres within the City of Armadale are included – Strategic Metropolitan Centre (Armadale), District Centres (Kelmscott, Harrisdale and Hilbert), Neighbourhood Centres and Local Centres.

How can I comment on the proposal?

The amendment will be advertised for 60 days commencing on the 7th September 2020 and concluding on the 6th November 2020. 

A copy of the Activity and Retail (Commercial) centres Strategy can be found for viewing on the ‘out for comment’ section of the City’s website, the link being as follows - Submission forms can also be found on the website.

Submissions on the Amendment can be made via email:

Who can I contact to discuss the City of Armadale Activity and Retail (Commercial) Centres Strategy?

Should you have any queries you can contact – Sergio Famiano, Executive Manager Development Services on 9394 5136.

Page Last Reviewed 7 September 2020