Representatives from the City of Armadale will visit seven suburbs over the next two months, to meet with local residents to hear their thoughts on where they live, as part of its Growing Our Community project.
The City is seeking feedback from local residents to understand the social issues within its individual suburbs by asking residents what they love about their suburb and what they feel the main social issues are.
City of Armadale Mayor Henry Zelones OAM, JP said the City works alongside a variety of external agencies (Government, community groups, not-for-profits/service providers) to deliver services and support the community.
“There are 19 suburbs within the City of Armadale and 90,000 residents, we want to ask community members what they think about the assets in their suburb along with any other requirements or suggestions. This will help us progress current and future projects in individual areas in conjunction with interested community members.
“I encourage residents of all ages and backgrounds to come along and provide their feedback at one of the engagement activities, or complete the survey online.”
The feedback received and ongoing participation from the community is vital to the future planning for the City.
“The information gathered will help the City better understand each of the individual communities and help us plan for future projects and to work with the community and other organisations to fill the gaps in local areas to make neighbourhoods even better.
“The outcome of the survey will also be used to help inform the City’s Strategic Community Plan which will be reviewed later this year.”
“Anyone can complete the survey, which will be available in hard copy and online.
“Everyone that completes the survey and leaves their contact details will go into the draw to win one of four $250 fuel vouchers.”
The surveys will be available on an ongoing basis to keep the City up to date on the resident’s aspirations and the needs in their suburbs.
Hard copies can be collected at the City’s Armadale and Kelmscott libraries and the Harold King Community Centre.
The first community engagement activity is on Saturday 16 March at Shipwreck Park, Eleventh Road, Hilbert from 8 to 11am.
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