The City of Armadale is proud to be supporting Children’s Week with a fun free family event, in Memorial Park, on Friday 29 September from 9am to 1pm.
Children’s Week is an annual event celebrated in Australia to honour and acknowledge children and their talents, skills, achievements and more importantly their rights.
The Children’s Week National Theme for 2023 is Children have the right to relax, play and take part in activities they enjoy.
Mayor Ruth Butterfield said we are celebrating Children’s Week early, to align with the school holidays, and have an array of free children’s activities and entertainment on offer throughout the morning and into the afternoon.
“Young children will enjoy the popular interactive Jazzie Shazzie’s Show and can join in the music, dancing and bubbles fun.
“Other activities include a visit from Old MacDonald Farm with a variety of baby farm animals which the kids love to cuddle, a puppet show, plaster painting, and face painting and arts and crafts.
“A number of information stalls providing advice and support for parents and caregivers, along with a variety of kids’ educational items and toys for purchase, will also be in attendance.
“I encourage everyone with young children to make the most of the spring weather and don’t miss a free fun day in the lovely central Memorial Park.
“Pack a picnic or enjoy the free sausage sizzle, otherwise you can support a variety of local food choices in the nearby shopping centre”, said Mayor Butterfield.
To ensure your child restraint is fitted properly, register with Kidsafe for a free car seat check available throughout the day at designated parking bays.
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