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Environmentally friendly home
Release Date: 
Tuesday, 18 July 2023

Switch Your Thinking SYT is a collaborative initiative of the Cities of Armadale, Gosnells and Serpentine Jarrahdale Shire, working together to implement measures that will save energy, water and waste, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

SYT delivers programs that can assist people to make small, but meaningful changes and throughout the year will deliver a series of sustainable educational workshops for Armadale residents, using new custom designed props – making education fun and a whole lot easier.

Earlier this year the Waterwheel Community Shed in Bedfordale was commissioned by the Switch team to construct visual props for practical demonstrations, using their member’s creativity and applying the integration of cutting-edge technologies such as 3D printing, laser engraving and CNC machining.  

City of Armadale Mayor Ruth Butterfield, along with Councillors joined the Switch team last week for a hands on demonstration at the Waterwheel Community Shed when they took delivery of the new visual educational models.

Mayor Ruth Butterfield said “these props will take centre stage at the upcoming sustainability workshops and will assist households to take steps to change their energy use behaviour.

“By choosing products that help minimise energy and water consumption, will save money on household costs, while helping the environment at the same time.

“Sustainable living practices makes financial sense to households, as well as to the broader community, by reducing our resource use. Becoming more energy efficient also means that carbon emissions are reduced.

“The City of Armadale is a beautiful place to live, work and play, decreasing carbon emissions will help to keep it that way”, said Mayor Butterfield.

For more information and tips on how to reduce your environmental footprint and save money visit the website www.switchyourthinking.com.

For more information on this topic contact:

Phone: (08) 9394 5000
Email: info@armadale.wa.gov.au

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Phone: (08) 9394 5000
Email: media@armadale.wa.gov.au