Warning – this Media Release is more than 60 days old.
This Media Release was relevant at the time of release. Content may not be current. This information remains for archival purposes.

Release Date: 
Monday, 3 July 2017

Throughout the year the City of Armadale, in partnership with Inclusion WA, will deliver community workshops as part of its Club Abilities Project.

The aim of the project is to provide sport and recreations programs that are inclusive to people of all ability levels, and has been made possible through a Disability Services Commission Community Inclusion and Participation Grant, administrated by Visability.

Workshops will be held each month and cover a wide range of topics, to build the capacity of local sporting clubs and community groups that operate within the City.

Mayor Henry Zelones OAM, JP said the workshops are focused on volunteers, coaches and community members and will provide information and strategies available to enable them to engage with people not currently involved in the community.

“With the development of new skills, experiences and awareness this will lead to a more welcoming and inclusive community for people of all abilities,” he said

The second community workshop, Social Inclusion & Disability Awareness, will be held at Frye Park Pavilion, Kelmscott on Tuesday 18 July from 4 to 6pm.

During this session participants will discover the key principles of social inclusion and disability awareness, including terminology and the right use of language, an introduction to person centred approach and the tiers of inclusion.

Refreshments will be provided. Bookings are essential, call 9394 5642 or visit csadministration@armadale.wa.gov.au.

For more information on this topic contact:

Phone: (08) 9394 5000
Email: info@armadale.wa.gov.au

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For media enquiries please contact:
Marketing and Communications Team
Phone: (08) 9394 5000
Email: media@armadale.wa.gov.au