The City of Armadale has received a change of use application for the existing residential dwelling at No. 16 Clarence Road Armadale to be converted to a Community Purpose use.
A Community Purpose use is defined under the City of Armadale's Town Planning Scheme No. 4 (TPS 4) as: the use of premises designed or adapted primarily for the provision of educational, social or recreational facilities or services by organizations involved in activities for community benefit.
Community Purpose is a discretionary (A) use in a Residential zone. This means that the City must advertise the proposal to nearby landowners as part of its assessment of the change of use application.
In this case the proposed Community Purpose use relates to providing therapy services for children with physical or intellectual disabilities.
The applicant expects that an average of 25 client visits will occur per week. A maximum 10 staff will be onsite at any given time. Staff will also visit children at their homes. The applicant has also advised that group therapy sessions and staff meetings may occur onsite, although no more than four times a year.
The proposed hours of operation are Monday to Friday 8.30am to 4.30pm.
The applicant is proposing providing 19 onsite car parking bays for staff and visitors.
Should you have any queries regarding this proposal, please contact Mr Chris Valentine from the City’s Planning Services on 08 9394 5405.
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