The City has received an application for the abovementioned proposal, which involves the following:
- Update of existing Single House and Ancillary Accommodation to provide out of home respite care for children with disabilities and/or complex medical needs;
- A maximum of 4 children at any one time (more likely to be 2 – 3 children most of the time);
- Proposed staff ratio is 1 staff to 1 child (or occasionally 2 staff to 1 child for outings);
- Hours of operation – clients would be able to book at any time in blocks of 24 hours;
- Drop off area and parking for two cars from Mirfield Street, proposed to be bitumised to the crossover for ease of access and egress;
- Staff parking area proposed at the rear, there is an existing large garage available;
- Intention is to provide a homely residential environment rather than an institutional one, no signage proposed other than house number and logo on letterbox to identify the entrance;
- Period of occupation for clients – minimum of 24 hours up to several days and may include stays of a week or two or more;
- New fencing is proposed at the rear of the property in addition to some internal ‘pool safe’ fencing to provide a small safe play area, the intention is to enter the community where possible attending pools, parks and other activities;
- Landscaping proposed to be upgraded with native species, paved areas and grassed (synthetic) areas for play;
- Internal renovations proposed to update the old existing kitchen and bathrooms;
- The service is aimed at local families – the applicant has a future client from Roleystone and employs a local Roleystone resident;
- The main office is at Canning Mills Road and therefore no administration staff are proposed to be located at the household;
- The applicant is not a “not for profit” organisation. The intention is not to deliver “set” prefunded services but to tailor individualised support that caters to the unique needs of participants and their families and carers.
The applicant has lodged the following documents as part of the proposal:
- Bushfire Management Plan (including emergency evacuation plan); and
- Disability Services Provider registration.
Should you have any queries regarding this proposal, please contact Jacquelline Farmer from the City’s Planning Services on 08 9394 5453 or
Please download relevant documents:
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