Application for Development Approval - Proposed Changes to Hours of Operation, Occupancy Numbers and Car Parking Bays - Recreation - Private (Yoga/Meditation) and Consulting Rooms (Counselling) - Lot 20, No.64 Canns Road Bedfordale


In 2017, the site was approved for Recreation-Private (Meditation Retreat) to operate in a converted shed behind the house. The approval included construction of 20 carpark bays and restricted operating hours. Several other approvals for the site have been issued since for new buildings and changes to operating hours, occupancy numbers and car parking bays (see comparison tables below for current approved numbers).


The Application proposes the following changes to operating hours, occupancy numbers and car parking bays.

  1. Modifications to the operating hours:
    Land use Days Hours (Approved) Hours (Proposed)
    Yoga/Meditation Monday to Wednesday 6:30am to 10:30pm & 5pm to 7:30pm 7am to 9pm
    Thursday to Friday 6:30am to 10:30pm & 5pm to 8:00pm
    Saturday 8am to 5pm no change
    Sunday Maximum 4 hours between 10am to 4pm 9am to 5pm
    Counselling Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm 7am to 9pm
    Saturday 9am to 5pm 8am to 5pm
    Sunday 10am to 4pm 9am to 5pm
  2. Modification to occupancy numbers:

    Land use Occupants (Maximum Approved) Occupants (Maximum Proposed)
    Yoga/Meditation 20 persons maximum 45 person (including practitioners & councillors) in total
    Counselling clients per session
  3. Modification to car parking:

    Land use Parking bays (Approved) Parking bays (proposed)
    Yoga/Meditation & Counselling 24 45 (9 on newly constructed hardstand and 10 in existing developed areas)
  4. Recreation – Private (Yoga/Meditation) is a discretionary (A) land use and Consulting Rooms (Counselling) is a non-conforming land use in the Rural Living zone under the City’s Town Planning Scheme No. 4 (TPS 4). This means that the proposal requires advertising to nearby landowners as part of the assessment process.

In support of the proposal the applicant has provided the following documentation to the City:

  • Explanatory Letter
  • Acoustic Report
  • Traffic Impact Assessment
  • Site Plans detailing Additional Parking Bays
  • Submission Form & Location Plan

Should you have any enquires regarding this proposal, please contact Mr Colin Connor - Senior Strategic/Statutory Planning Office from the City’s Planning Services on 08 9394 5245.

Please download relevant documents:

Page Last Reviewed 30 March 2021