Application for Development Approval - Incidental Development (Shed) - Lot 2, No. 193 Urch Road, Roleystone

The City has received an application for the abovementioned proposal, which involves the following:

  1. A new shed for the existing Orchard business;
  2. The shed will be used for machinery storage and will be built from structural steel and zincalume sheeting;
  3. The size of the shed is 12m x 24m (288m2) x 4.8m high;
  4. The shed will be located near an existing dwelling and shed;

Further details are available for viewing at the City's Administration Building between the hours of 8.15am and 4.45pm Monday to Friday.

Should you have any queries regarding this proposal, please contact Jacquelline Farmer from the City's Planning Services on 08 9394 5453 or

Please download relevant documents:

Page Last Reviewed 1 June 2021