The City has received a development application for the abovementioned proposal, which involves the following:
The construction of a purpose built single storey Child Care Premises building at 76 Modena Road Piara Waters. Child Care Premises are a discretionary (A) land use in a Residential zone under the City’s Town Planning Scheme No. 4 (TPS 4). This means that the proposal requires advertising to nearby landowners as part of the assessment process.
The Child Care Premises are proposed to accommodate a maximum of 110 children and 20 staff. The proposal incorporates 34 onsite parking bays which is compliant with TPS 4. Vehicular access is proposed to be from Modena Road and Siena Approach.
The applicant has proposed operating hours of 6:00am and 6:30pm Monday to Friday. The proposed 6am opening time will require discretionary consideration by the City as its local planning policy PLN 3.2 – Child Care Premises and Family Day Care permits 7am opening for Child Care Premises.
In support of the proposal the applicant has provided the following documentation to the City:
- Developments plans
- Acoustic report, and
- Traffic impact statement.
Should you have any queries regarding this proposal, please contact Mr Chris Valentine from the City’s Planning Services on 08 9394 5405.
Please download relevant documents