
Where can I keep up to date with information that is communicated about COVID-19?

For any updates regarding the City’s services and facilities refer to www.armadale.wa.gov.au. Stay up to date with the latest information on Coronavirus (COVID-19) from the Department of Health https://healthywa.wa.gov.au/coronavirus

How can I stay up-to-date with the City of Armadale’s response to coronavirus (COVID-19)?

This situation is changing regularly but there are a number of ways you can stay informed:

What is the City doing to support the government’s efforts to minimise the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19)?

We want you to know we are doing everything we can to protect our people and our community, and ensure we are set up to minimise the risk of further disruption. We are following directives from the WA Department of Health, and are monitoring the rapidly evolving situation. Our focus right now is to continue to deliver key services to our community and to keep people informed as information comes to hand.

Can I still conduct my business with the City?

You can conduct a number of key activities via the City’s website. These include:

To lodge your Building and/or Planning Application, report an issue such as a missed bin collection, illegal parking and graffiti or to request maintenance of our roads or parks, email the City via  info@armadale.wa.gov.au.

Can I get tested for COVID-19 within the City of Armadale?

You can find a list of COVID testing clinics on the HealthyWA website. To learn more about the testing eligibility criteria refer to the WA Department of Health website: https://ww2.health.wa.gov.au


Armadale Fitness and Aquatic Centre  

How is the Armadale Fitness and Aquatic Centre 
affected by covid19 guidelines and requirements?

As this is a constantly evolving situation, all FAQ’s related to AFAC and Armadale Arena can be found here:https://active.armadale.wa.gov.au/faq#update


Library Services  

How are library events affected by COVID requirements?

All City facilities, including library services, will be adjusted to meet State Government requirements. This means that any event scheduled may be cancelled or postponed if a certain mandate is implemented.

All information (including health requirements such as social distancing, capacity limits and mask wearing) and event updates will be announced on our website and the Library & Heritage Facebook Page.

You will need to check in using the SafeWA app or by filling out the paper form.

Local Business  

I want to support local businesses at this time, what can I be doing?

The City encourages the community to buy locally and support small business. You can also keep an eye on the Perth Hills Armadale website and follow the #SupportArmadaleLocal hashtag on social media.



What happens if an event promoted by the visitor centre is
cancelled or postponed due to COVID-19?

The public will be informed of any event cancellation through the City of Armadale’s communication channels. New dates will be provided in due course for all postponed events.


Planning and Building Services  

Can I still submit planning applications electronically to the
City of Armadale for assessment?

Yes, the City is still accepting planning applications for assessment electronically via info@armadale.wa.gov.au.

how long will it take the City of Armadale to assess my planning application?

The City of Armadale is still able to assess planning applications within the usual statutory timeframes.

How can I pay for my application if I submit via email?

The applicant will be contacted via phone for payment of the applicable fees once the application has been received. The City will aim to process all planning and building applications as soon as possible and within statutory timeframes.

I need to modify/lodge my Building application, can I do this online?

Applications can currently be submitted via email to building@armadale.wa.gov.au


COVID-19 and city of armadale events - what you need to know

The City of Armadale follows all government regulations announced by the Department of Health relating to the management of COVID-19. Requirements may change with very little notice however we liaise directly with the Department to ensure that we have the most current information prior to any events occurring.

I’m coming to a City of Armadale event, how do I know it’s COVID Safe?

All City of Armadale events are delivered under an approved COVID Event Plan and follow regulations in place by the Department of Health.

Depending on the nature of the event and the COVID environment, we may be required to ticket free events, seek mandatory proof of vaccinations/valid exemptions, enforce mandatory mask wearing, maintain social distancing, supply sufficient hand sanitiser across our venues and implement additional infrastructure and cleaning regimes.

The safety of our community, staff and vendors is our highest priority so it is also important that people do not attend if they are feeling unwell, are experiencing any symptoms or have been advised to isolate.

What can I do to be COVID Safe at a City of Armadale event?

COVID safe messages may be delivered before, during and after events via Facebook, the webpage and email for ticketed events. Please stay alert for this information and follow the directions provided.

If you are feeling unwell, experiencing symptoms or have been advised to isolate, it is important that you do not attend the event.

You should also follow all COVID Safe messaging which is placed around the event. This includes showing proof of vaccination upon entry and check in using the SafeWA app, ServicesWA app or the manual process. Good hygiene practices and social distancing is always recommended where possible.

If you start to feel unwell during an event, please find an event staff or seek first aid.

Page Last Reviewed 15 February 2022