Discover what parks projects are happening in the City of Armadale.

Capital Works Program are improvements carried out by the City through:

  • Upgrades - Works which improve parks assets beyond its existing capacity
  • Renewal - Restoration or rehabilitation of an existing parks asset to its original condition
  • New Construction - Creation of new parks assets that did not previously exist

Construction work is not expected to have an adverse impact on any residents or properties, however if you have any concerns, please contact the Parks Development team on 9394 5000 or email info@armadale.wa.gov.au before the work begins or throughout the construction period. The City of Armadale appreciates your patience while these works are being completed. 

Park users are encouraged to use the park/reserve where there are no works being undertaken. We do, however, ask that you keep a safe distance from construction sites at all times. Residents who will be directly affected by any of the projects listed below will receive a letter informing them of when the works will be done. 

To understand more about how our parks are classified and what the standards are for park development, go to our Parks Facility Page.

Park name

project description

Anticipated completion date
Urban Forest Planting Season Annual tree planting for Urban Forest and Resident requests for a street tree Ongoing
Urban Forest Audit - tree data collection Over the next 6 months, consultants will be conducting a tree audit on Council Street trees Commenced
Jull Street Mall  Landscape and lighting upgrades  Construction
Guerin Park Restoration Playground Ongoing
William Skeet AFL backnet Replacement Backnet Complete
Springdale Oval AFL New AFL Backnet Complete
Greening Kelmscott CBD Additional planting throughout the CBD  Complete  
William Lockard Playground Playground  Construction
Yellowwood Park Playground Commencing
Locality signs - various locations 5 x new locality entry statements Commencing

Page Last Reviewed 1 August 2024