Supporting our local business community is an important goal of the City of Armadale.
The Armadale Local Business Directory has been set up to provide a central location for local businesses to promote their services. If you have a business in the City of Armadale and want to be added to the directory, simply follow the links to update your details. Once your business has been verified it will go live on the directory.
The businesses listed on the directory are locally based within the City of Armadale’s boundaries, and all have a current Australian Business Number (ABN). The City of Armadale reserves the right to assess the suitability of the businesses to be listed on the Armadale Local Business Directory. The City does not accept responsibility on the up-to-date nature of the individual business operations and provides no warranty or assurance in respect of the quality of the product or service the businesses provide to the public and does not profess to have entered into any contract with the entities listed. Any decision to utilise the business services of the entities listed is at the own risk and judgement of the individual.