The City has received an application for the abovementioned proposal, which involves the following:
Three (3) grouped dwellings with the following variations to State Planning Policy 7.3 – Residential Design Codes and Local Planning Policy PLN 3. – Residential Density Development:
- Walls are proposed to be built up to two lot boundaries (for Lots 2 and 3), in lieu of to one side boundary only:
- Lot 2 proposes to have a wall 2.43m high with nil setback located on the south-eastern boundary, extending 21.2m along the boundary;
- Lot 3 proposes to have the garage wall 2.43m high located 200mm from the north-eastern boundary, extending 5.8m along the boundary;
- Open Space is proposed as 44%, 43.5% and 42% in lieu of 45% for each lot;
- Lot 3 proposes 55% of the frontage as garage in lieu of 50% maximum;
- No storerooms for any of the grouped dwellings, in lieu of providing a lockable storeroom of 4m2 and minimum 1.5m dimension;
- Garage on Lot 1 is proposed in line with a main front wall, in lieu of locating the garage preferably 1m behind the main front wall of a habitable room, and
- Removal of all existing trees, in lieu of retention of existing trees on site or verges.
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Frequently Asked Questions
A Development Application is a formal request for Planning Approval to carry out proposed development. Planning Approval may be required for a change of land use, construction of buildings, erection of signage or demolition. Local Governments have the authority to determine Development Applications under the power of a Town Planning Scheme. A Building Permit is also required to be obtained for construction of or additions to buildings or fit out of buildings involving structural components, such as partitioning, in a business premise.
The application proposes three (3) grouped dwellings with the following variations to State Planning Policy 7.3 – Residential Design Codes and Local Planning Policy PLN 3. – Residential Density Development:
- Walls are proposed to be built up to two lot boundaries (for Lots 2 and 3), in lieu of to one side boundary only:
- Lot 2 proposes to have a wall 2.43m high with nil setback located on the south-eastern boundary, extending 21.2m along the boundary;
- Lot 3 proposes to have the garage wall 2.43m high located 200mm from the north-eastern boundary, extending 5.8m along the boundary;
- Open Space is proposed as 44%, 43.5% and 42% in lieu of 45% for each lot;
- Lot 3 proposes 55% of the frontage as garage in lieu of 50% maximum;
- No storerooms for any of the grouped dwellings, in lieu of providing a lockable storeroom of 4m2 and minimum 1.5m dimension;
- Garage on Lot 1 is proposed in line with a main front wall, in lieu of locating the garage preferably 1m behind the main front wall of a habitable room, and
- Removal of all existing trees, in lieu of retention of existing trees on site or verges.
The application proposes three (3) grouped dwellings with the following variations to State Planning Policy 7.3 – Residential Design Codes and Local Planning Policy PLN 3. – Residential Density Development:
- Walls are proposed to be built up to two lot boundaries (for Lots 2 and 3), in lieu of to one side boundary only:
- Lot 2 proposes to have a wall 2.43m high with nil setback located on the south-eastern boundary, extending 21.2m along the boundary;
- Lot 3 proposes to have the garage wall 2.43m high located 200mm from the north-eastern boundary, extending 5.8m along the boundary;
- Open Space is proposed as 44%, 43.5% and 42% in lieu of 45% for each lot;
- Lot 3 proposes 55% of the frontage as garage in lieu of 50% maximum;
- No storerooms for any of the grouped dwellings, in lieu of providing a lockable storeroom of 4m2 and minimum 1.5m dimension;
- Garage on Lot 1 is proposed in line with a main front wall, in lieu of locating the garage preferably 1m behind the main front wall of a habitable room, and
- Removal of all existing trees, in lieu of retention of existing trees on site or verges.
Potentially affected landowners and public are being consulted. Anyone interested in the proposal can provide feedback through making a submission by email or in hard-copy form.
If you wish to comment on the proposal, please complete the Submission Form.
A hardcopy of the Submission Form can also be obtained from the City’s Administration Building at 7 Orchard Avenue Armadale during business hours 8.15am to 4.45pm Monday to Friday, or you may request a copy to be mailed or emailed.
You must lodge your submission with the City by the 1 December 2020. You can either post the Submission Form back to the City (Locked Bag 2, Armadale WA 6992), deliver it to the City’s Administration Building (7 Orchard Avenue Armadale) or email it to:
The advertising period for a Development Application is required to be at least 14 days in accordance with the requirements of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Scheme) Regulations 2015.
The advertising period for this Development Application closes at 5.00 pm on 1 December 2020.
The City will not publish your name and address. However, your full comments may be reproduced and published in planning reports. Note that a schedule of submissions, including the full details of submitters, are provided confidentially to Councillors however, this will not be made available to the public.
If you lodge a submission on this proposal the City will write to or email you once the City has made a decision on the proposal.
The City will summarise all submissions received from the public notified neighbours and determine to either approve the development as proposed, approve the development subject to conditions requiring modifications to the development or refuse to approve the development.
After receiving Planning Approval from the City the applicant will need to obtain a Building Permit from the City before commencing any works.
For further information on proposed development please contact Karen Colli from Planning Services on 9394 5686 or email