Firebreaks and variations

The City sends out its annual Fire-break and Hazard Reduction Notice with the City's Rates Notice every year (see below). It is important all property owners and occupants read this notice and make themselves familiar with the requirements.

Some key points to remember are:

  • All properties over 5000 square metres are required to have a firebreak
  • If your property is less than 5000 square metres need to have their properties clear of flammable materials
  • If you require a variation to the firebreak requirements you must submit an application form by 1 October each year.

Apply for a fire permit

A permit to burn (set fire to bush on land in the City of Armadale) is required for the burning of any bush, large quantities of garden rubbish or refuse between 1 October and 30 November and 1 April and 31 May.

It is prohibited to burn on a Sunday or Public Holiday in accordance with clause 49 (2) (a) of the City of Armadale Environment, Animals and Nuisance Local Laws 2002.

You can apply for a Fire Permit from the City's Administration on Monday, Wednesday and Friday between the hours of 3 to 4pm. Alternatively, please complete the application form downloadable below and submit via email, or in person, to the City at least three (3) business days prior to the intended burn period.

To obtain a permit please complete the application form below and submit via email, or in person, to the City at least three (3) business days prior to the intended burn period.

Once the application has been assessed, a copy of the permit and conditions will be issued to the permit holder, either by email or for collection from the City’s Administration Centre during office hours. 

More information and contact

More information about burning permits and when to burn is available in the guide below.

For information about general fire safety and fire danger ratings please visit the Bushfire safety page.

If you have any questions please contact us.

Firebreak Questions and Answers

Firebreaks: All properties over 5,000m2 must have a firebreak installed on or before 30th November 2022 and maintained until 31st March 2023.

Do you know why we need a firebreak? Firebreaks are essential in the event of a fire to provide emergency vehicles access around a property. They also provide a cleared area for emergency personal to work from, for instance back burning and fighting a fire.
Do you know how and where to get a fire permit from? Permits are issued from the City's Administration on Monday, Wednesday and Friday between 3 to 4pm. Fire permits can also be applied for online via the City's website No burning on Sundays or Public Holidays.
Do you know when to obtain a permit to burn? Burning permits are required if you are going to burn any trees, bush, or garden refuse during the restricted burning periods from 1 October 2022 to 30 November 2022 and again from 1 April 2023 through to 31 May 2023.
Do you know how much a permit costs? A fire permit is totally free!
Do you know how long a fire permit is valid? The City only issues a permit to burn for a 14 days period.
Do you know what time you can burn with a fire permit? The fire must be out by 11pm and fully extinguished by midnight. Please be mindful of your neighbours when conducting your burn in the early morning and late evening.
Do you know when burning is prohibited? The Prohibited Burning Period is between the 1st December and the 31st  March each year.  This means all open fires, including solid fueled BBQs, pizza ovens and chimeneas that are used for the purposes of camping and cooking, however this prohibition does not apply to gas appliances that do not consume solid fuel comprising of a fire, the flame of which is encapsulated by the appliance.  ***Prohibited Burning Period for 2023/24 has been extended to 10 November 2023 - 28 April 2024. 
Do you know if you need to notify anyone when you’re going to burn? Under the permit condition you are required to contact DFES and your neighbours before starting your burn.
Do you know how to know the current Fire Danger Rating? Fire danger rating are issued by the Bureau of Meteorology and listed on the Emergency WA website. The City places an alert on the landing page of the City’s website. Currently there are two electronic fire danger rating boards on Albany Highway and Brookton Highway and two older style fire danger boards at Bedfordale and Roleystone fire stations.
Do you know what a Total Fire Ban Means? During a total fire ban you must not light a fire in the open air or use any equipment in the open air that is likely to emit sparks. This includes the use of wood fuel BBQs, pizza ovens, chimeneas and incinerators; angle grinders, welders & chainsaws; lawn mowers or brush cutters; candles.
Do you know what equipment is prohibited during a total fire ban? You must not use any wood fired BBQs, pizza oven, angle grinders, welders, chainsaws, lawnmowers or brush cutters in the open air or anything that can cause a spark.
Do you know what a vehicle and harvest movement ban is? Harvest and Vehicle Movement Bans are issued by your local government and are put in place when your local Bushfire Control Officer identifies the use of engines, vehicles, plant or machinery as high bushfire risk activities, during particular times of the day. These times are called prohibited burning times and/or restricted burning times and vary between the individual local governments. As a guide, these times generally extend over the traditional summer period from October through to April.
Do you know who to report a fire to? If you see a fire during the restricted period and no one is in attendance please contact 000 straight away. If you see any fire during the prohibited period ring 000. Make sure you have accurate details on the location of the fire so that fire crews can be directed to the site as soon as possible.
Do you know if you should have a bushfire plan? Everyone that lives in a bush area or travels through bush regularly should have a bushfire plan, it only takes a short period of time to put a plan in place for what you and your family will do in a bushfire situation. Get your family together and discuss what you will do if required during a bushfire so that everyone in the house know what they need to do. Contact the City or your local fire brigade for advice if you would like some help putting a plan together.
Do you know where to get the bushfire preparation tool kit? You can't outrun it, or outlast it, so plan to outsmart it! Be ready for bushfire season by grabbing your toolkit from the City of Armadale admin building front counter or visit for a copy.

Page Last Reviewed 20 September 2024