It is an offence to drive or ride an off-road vehicle under the Control of Vehicles (Off-road Areas) Act 1978.
Off-road vehicles can only be ridden on private land with the owner’s consent or in a set aside off road area.
An off-road vehicle is any vehicle that is not road registered and cannot be registered under the Road Traffic Act 1974.
Road registered vehicles do not need a separate off-road vehicle registration.
To licence an off-road vehicle in Western Australia please visit the Department of Transport website.
If you see or know of a person riding illegally:
- On the roadway, please call the police on 131444
- On a City reserve, please call Rangers on 08 9394 5000 (business hours) or 1300 886 885 (after hours).
Rangers can only investigate illegal off road vehicle on the City’s reserve or those properties which are vested in the City.
Rangers cannot give chase to an off road vehicle and rely on community support in locating an address where the rider is coming from.
For more information on where you can safely ride an off-road vehicle, please view the Recreational Trailbike Riders' Association of WA (RTRA) website.
For more information or if you have any questions please contact the City by phone on 9394 5000 or email.