The City of Armadale’s Street Tree Request program allows residents to apply for trees to be planted on the verge adjoining their property. The can be done by submitting a Request a Street Tree form which can be found here.
Please note that applications close November of each calendar year (for planting the following winter).
A plant giveaway event for residents is held each year, typically towards the end of autumn to the beginning of winter. Details are advertised on the City’s website closer to the time. Find out more here and please remember to bring your rates notice as identification.
Residents can obtain mulch from the Armadale Landfill and Recycling Facility at 145 Hopkinson Road – HILBERT. Please note you will need to provide two forms of identification.
- FREE - Self Loaded Trailer up to 3m3 (between 9am and 4pm)
- FREE – Machine Loaded Trailer (Tuesday mornings between 9am and noon) for City of Armadale Pensioners ONLY – pension card and photo ID required
- Loaded by machine (between 9am and 4pm) – Minimum Charge – per tonne please check the City's Current Tipping Fees for price
Switch Your Thinking (SYT) is a collaborative initiative of the Cities of Armadale, Gosnells and the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale, local businesses and community groups, to inspire actions for sustainability in the community.
Rewards for Residents supports you to make your home more sustainable. We partner with local businesses to offer our residents discounts on products that will help you cut waste and reduce energy and water use such as Home & Garden Consultation, Compost Systems, Soil Improvement and so much more. To find out more visit the Switch your thinking website
Connecting Landscapes for Wildlife
Residents within the City of Armadale will now have the opportunity to receive free native seedlings and the support of a dedicated Habitat Links Officer to help improve biodiversity and the health of the City’s treasured natural environment through the recently launched Habitat Links program.
Landowners whose properties are zoned as Special Residential, Rural Living or General Rural (under the City of Armadale’s Town Planning Scheme No. 4) and contain or are adjacent to priority conservation value bushland, wetlands and watercourses, may be eligible to receive native seedlings and ongoing support around the development and implementation of revegetation and habitat creation projects.
If you would like further information or if you believe you are eligible and would like to do your bit for the environment visit our Habitat Links page.
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