Picture of African musicians from the group Village Vibes playing to a crowd at a City of Armadale Hawkers Market


The City of Armadale's demographic composition is changing, along with a rapidly growing population. Many of these new residents come from culturally and linguistically diverse (CaLD) backgrounds.

The City is home to a diverse community with 34.6% of City residents born overseas, many of whom speak another language other than English (LOTE) at home, as well as a number of people who speak English either not well or not at all.

The City embraces this diversity and seeks to assist residents with connecting with the wider community, make social connections, feel a sense of belonging, and easily access local services and amenities.

Multicultural Advisory Group

The Multicultural Advisory Group (MAG) launched in 2020 and provides a forum where representatives of multicultural communities can raise concerns and provide ideas and suggestions to the City for a more inclusive and cohesive community. They also have the opportunity to be involved in small projects that increase awareness of cultural diversity in the Armadale community and increase social connections for members.

The 2024 Multicultural Advisory Group is made up of 17 leaders, organisations and passionate individuals from across the City of Armadale. Members have come to Australia from 16 different countries and/ or cultural backgrounds.

Expressions of Interest for the Multicultural Advisory Group are now open!

Please complete the online Expression of Interest Application Form below to register your interest.  Applications close on Monday the 3 March 2025, with successful applicants being notified by the 10 March 2025.  Successful applicants will be invited to join the March Multicultural Advisory Group meeting on Monday 31 March 2025 at 6pm.  A flyer can also be found below.

For further information about the Multicultural Advisory Group, or the Expression of Interest process please contact the Community Development Team on 9394 5651 or via CSAdministration@armadale.wa.gov.au


Welcoming Cities

The City of Armadale has become part of Australia’s Welcoming Cities - a national network of cities, shires, towns and municipalities who are committed to an Australia where everyone can belong and participate in social, cultural, economic and civic life. The City's vision for being a Welcoming City is one which commits to respecting, embracing and celebrating diversity by joining like-minded communities to share ideas and enhance social cohesion.

Humans of Armadale

The City launched the Humans of Armadale project with an exhibition at the Champion Centre on 17 August 2021. The project celebrates and embraces the stories of 20 remarkable individuals in the City of Armadale with the aim to reflect real local stories that individuals can relate to and be inspired by. The success of the project has been featured on Channel 7, the Examiner and the Roleystone Courier. 

Stories can be found on the City website here, and through City social media accounts. Humans of Armadale books are available at City libraries for hire and purchase. 

Proud Children Project

The Proud Children Project aims to connect children to books, delivered through two components: 

  • Proud Literacy Backpacks are available in the City’s Libraries. Inside you will find beautiful books and dolls from different cultures that promote interesting stories of diversity from around the world. Please contact Armadale, Seville Grove and Kelmscott libraries for availability and hire.
  • The Proud Children Community Book was developed with children and families from the libraries' Learning English Through Storytime (LETS) Program to embrace diversity in the local area. It is an interactive book that shows children that all people should be celebrated, and involves the learning and experience of the participants from the City's Learning English Through Storytime (LETS) Library program. Please contact Armadale, Seville Grove and Kelmscott libraries for availability. Copies can also be purchased.

The Project received a commendable award in the category of 'Diversity, Inclusion or Multicultural Child and Young Person Health' at the Public Health Advocacy Institute's 11th Local Government Policy Awards 2021. 

Harmony Week

Harmony Week is celebrated in March each year and provides the opportunity for community members to embrace and explore our various cultural, religious, linguistic and ethnically diverse communities.

South East Multicultural Network (SEMN)

The City of Armadale is a member of the South East Multicultural Network (SEMN) which meets quarterly on the third Wednesday of February, May, August and November. Members include local service providers and representatives from Local, State and Federal Governments.

Through this network the City of Armadale staff can share knowledge of community services, offer support, exchange ideas and discuss opportunities to support multicultural communities.

Culturally Accessible Support Services

General multicultural support services

  • The Office of Multicultural Interests (OMI): Provides a one stop shop for all multiculturalism affairs in WA, including business and industry groups, government and non-government agencies, culturally diverse communities and the wider community.
  • Department of Home Affairs: Provides information on Australia's federal law enforcement, national and transport security, criminal justice, emergency management, multicultural affairs, settlement services and immigration and border-related functions.
  • Government of Western Australia - WA Migration Services: Provides a range of services and information to help skilled migrants settle and work in Western Australia including finding out whether qualifications and skills are recognised in Australia.

Family Support services

  • Multicultural Communities Council of WA: Provides a range of programs for multicultural communities such as emergency relief for those experiencing domestic violence, a mental health awareness program, emergency relief for those experiencing financial hardship, a digital literacy program and a 'Knit for Homeless program'.
  • Communicare Inc: Provides a number of services for families (including refugees and humanitarian visa entrants) such as Inclusion Support, education, training and employment services and Family Violence & Justice Services.
  • Jacaranda Community Centre: Provides community relief services for budgeting, Centrelink assistance, food and community programs.
  • Mercycare: Provides aged care, family, health, disability and community services
  • Relationships Australia (WA): Provides a range of multicultural family and relationships services including counselling, mediation, dispute resolution and education.
  • RUAH Community Services: Provides assistance with homelessness, family and domestic violence, mental health and specialist legal services.

Transport related services

  • Transperth WA: Train, bus and ferry information, with the site providing videos in multiple languages with basic information about how the system works. If you need assistance please contact the translation and interpretation service number on 131 450 and ask to be connected to 136 213.

Respite, aged care and home and community care

Crisis support services

Family and domestic violence towards another person is illegal. This may include violence within the home, marriage or between partners. Violence may include physical abuse, financial abuse, emotional abuse or a combination of these.

Emergency services

  • For all emergencies for WA Police, ambulance or fire brigade: 000
  • Western Australia Police - non-emergency: 131 444
  • Department of Fire & Emergency Services: 132 500
  • National Security Hotline: 1800 123 400
  • WA Poisons Information Centre: 131 126

Page Last Reviewed 6 January 2025