Bob Blackburn

The 4.2 hectare Bob Blackburn Flora Reserve is located on Williams Road in Armadale. It comprises 'Forrestfield Complex Threatened Ecological Community' - a community of species which was once common to the Swan Coastal Plain. Now as little as nine per cent remains.

The vegetation is dominated by a woodland of Corymbia calophylla (Marri), Eucalyptus marginata (Jarrah) and Banksia. Common shrub species include Stirlingia latifolia (Blue boy), Davensia nudiflora, Hybertia hypercoides (Yellow buttercups), Xanthorrhoea preissii (Grass tree), Conospermum stoechardis (Common Smokebush), Bossia eriocarpa (Common Brown Pea), Dryandra nivea, Gompholobium capitatum (Yellow Pea) and Dasypogon bromeliffolius (Drumsticks).

The Forrestfield Complex Bushland Management Plan relates to Bob Blackburn Flora Reserve in addition to others characterised by the same vegetation complex. 'Friends of Bob Blackburn' are actively seeking fellow members to assist with the on-ground management of the reserve.

Bob Blackburn Reserve
101 Challis Rd
Seville Grove
Western Australia 6112

Page Last Reviewed 22 February 2022