Find out about Development Contribution Plan No. 4 that funds common infrastructure works in the Anstey Keane (Forrestdale) Urban Precinct.

About DCP No. 4

Arial image of Antsey Keane

DCP 4 provides a framework for the equitable sharing of costs for the provision of common infrastructure required to facilitate the urban development of the Anstey Keane Precinct. The area is bounded by Keane Road to the north-east, Armadale Road to the south, and Bush Forever Site No. 342 to the north-west.

The DCP No. 4 was instigated at the request of a number of landowners as they were unable to arrange for the facilitation of commonly required infrastructure by agreement due to the fragmented nature of the land ownership in the area. As the City was mindful that the process to establish a new DCP for the area would need to be undertaken in a consultative and collaborative fashion, in early 2018 the City led the formation of the Anstey Keane Planning and Liaison Group. DCP No. 4 began operation in 2019 following considerable planning and consultation with government, the private sector and landowners, principally through the liaison group meeting process.

The following common infrastructure items are proposed for inclusion in DCP 4:

  1. Senior sized sports playing field (land acquisition and construction)
  2. Sporting and community buildings and structures associated with sports playing field
  3. Anstey Road widening and construction
  4. Keane Road widening and construction (contribution only)
  5. Shared Path Network
  6. Betterment of Baileys Branch Drain surrounds
  7. Waste Water Pump Station land acquisition
  8. High Pressure Gas Pipeline in Anstey Road as it pertains to the Anstey Keane Precinct

Development Contribution Plan (DCP) No. 4 is in effect over Development Contribution Area (DCA) 4 (Anstey Keane (Forrestdale) Urban Precinct). Both DCP 4 and DCA 4 have been approved by the Minister for Planning and are included in the City of Armadale’s Town Planning Scheme (TPS) No.4.

When owners subdivide and / or develop within DCA 4, they are required to make a proportional contribution towards the cost of common infrastructure. An owner’s liability to pay the contribution arises in accordance with Part 5A of TPS No. 4. DCP No.4 and is a mechanism to effectively share the cost of providing common infrastructure within the Anstey Keane (Forrestdale) Urban Precinct. This coordinated approach to the provision of common infrastructure will assist in allowing the area to proceed to subdivision and to deliver essential infrastructure and facilities that will serve the precinct and its future community.

The DCP 4 Report is a report appurtenant to the Scheme and DCP 4, and containing information and instructions on the operation of DCP 4, as periodically reviewed in accordance with DCP 4. The DCP 4 ICS is a schedule appurtenant to the Scheme and DCP 4, and containing the estimated cost of Infrastructure and Administration of DCP 4, contribution cost, land area deductions and land area summary, as periodically reviewed in accordance with DCP 4. Assessed Value means a land value obtained in accordance with the procedures described in clauses 4.4.5 to 4.4.6 of DCP 4. The current DCP 4 Report and ICS 2022, including the proposed contribution rates per hectare and Assessed Values were approved by Council on 27 September 2022.

The City of Armadale is the administrator of DCP 4.

Refer to the following attachments:

Infrastructure Cost Schedule & Cost Contribution

Developer Contribution Scheme DCP - 4


DCP 4 requires owners to make a proportional contribution to the cost of common infrastructure required to facilitate the urban development Anstey Keane Precinct when their liability is triggered.


The current ICS adopted by Council estimates the total cost of infrastructure applicable for the entire DCP area to be $456,042.82 per hectare (Base Rate). In relation to a number of nominated lots that fall within Precinct 2, an additional rate of $85,109.70 per hectare will also apply (Additional Rate). The ICS will be reviewed in early 2023.

The requirements and process for the review of the ICS are summarised in the DCP 4 report. The revision of contribution costs and the ICS will occur on an annual basis.

The contribution made by each owner will be calculated on a per hectare basis using the per hectare Base Rate identified in DCP 4 Infrastructure Cost Schedule, which is applied across the entire DCP area. An additional cost contribution also applies where specified based on an Additional Rate that applies in Precinct 2 to allow for the equitable apportionment of costs across the entire DCP area. The method for calculating contributions is detailed in DCP 4 and you can use the online calculator to obtain a preliminary estimate.

At the point when an Owners contribution becomes due they should contact the City's Contribution Arrangements team to confirm the amount due. When doing so as part of a subdivision, the relevant Deposited Plan that has been lodged with Landgate should be provided to the City so to confirm the area of land being developed. Once this occurs the City can issue an invoice to confirm the contribution due. Subdivision clearance from the City will not be issued until the contribution/invoiced amount is paid. If there is a discrepancy in the area of land developed between the lodged Deposited Plan and the final Deposited Plan when lots/titles are created after subdivision clearance, any shortfalls in contributions paid will also need to be met by the Owner. Conversely, any excess in contributions will also be identified by the City and Owners credited or reimbursed accordingly to allow for the equitable apportionment of costs across the entire DCP area. 

Prefunding Process for Common Infrastructure Works

A prefunding agreement will need to be approved by the City prior to the implementation of any of the common infrastructure works referred to in DCP 4. This includes all common infrastructure works, whether related to the design and/or construction phase of a project. Approval of civil or subdivisional works from the City should not be construed as prefunding approval or reimbursement under DCP 4.

The prefunding process for common infrastructure works is set out in the DCP 4 report.

Proposed Playing Fields Antsey Keane


Proposed playing fields in Antsey Keane DCP No. 4

Acquisition of Land for Common Infrastructure Works

Matters relating to the acquisition of land for common infrastructure works and the valuation of land is set out in DCP 4.

In summary, the valuation of any land within the DCP area is determined by two licensed valuers appointed by the City and referred to as the valuation panel. Firstly the land is valued independently by each valuer. If the two valuers cannot arrive at a consensus value, then a value which represents the median value will be selected.

The proposed value is then advertised for not less than 28 days to allow submissions to be made. Submissions of objection are to include evidence from a suitably qualified person in the specific field being objected to. Having considered the submissions and any comment from the valuation panel, the City shall fix upon the value to be applied under the ICS (known as the Assessed Value).

Further information in relation to the acquisition of land for common infrastructure works is referred to in the DCP 4 report.

Scheme Amendment History and Cost Review Summary

DCP 4 Audit History

In accordance with the monitoring and reporting requirements set out in the Western Australian Planning Commission’s State Planning Policy 3.6 – Infrastructure Contributions, the DCP administrator is required to prepare an audited annual statement of accounts for each Development Contribution Area reserve account.

Prior to the annual DCP audit requirements being mandated by SPP 3.6 in April 2021, TPS 4 previously stipulated that the City was to undertake annual audits of all DCP reserve accounts and make the annual audit statement publicly available.

The City has proactively undertaken annual audits of the DCP No.4 reserve accounts since the DCP provisionally began operation in 2020.

View a list of the audit details and dates

More Information and Contact

Contact the City’s Contribution Arrangements Team on (08) 9394 5000 or email


Users of this website are advised that the City of Armadale accepts no legal responsibility for any errors, omissions or inaccuracies in Town Planning Scheme No 4. Whilst the City of Armadale endeavours to regularly update and amend the information contained within the document, the accuracy of this information cannot be guaranteed. The content of this website may also change, vary or be amended at any time. Confirmation of zoning and density coding may be obtained by viewing the official version of Town Planning Scheme No 4 which is available at the City's Administration Centre. Confirmation of information relating to lot sizes and boundaries may be obtained from Landgate.

Page Last Reviewed 7 December 2022