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Release Date: 
Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Excellence in creating environments that protect and support the health of children saw the City of Armadale win three awards and a commendation at the Public Health Advocacy Institute of Western Australia (PHAIWA) Children’s Environment and Health Local Government Report Card Awards.

The City topped the State awards, winning the award for Best in WA, Metropolitan Winner for 2015.

The City also won the Aboriginal Child Health Award for the Drug Award Ignite Basketball intervention program, the Promoting Healthy Behaviour award for the City’s Healthy Menu Options program, and a commendation for the Healthy and Safe Food and Smoke Free Environments Category.

Armadale Mayor Henry Zelones OAM JP said the City has long supported the health and wellbeing of the community by implementing policy influenced by consultation with children and young people from the community.

“This commitment was solidified last year with the launch of our first Public Health and Wellbeing Plan driven by the needs of the community,” he said.

“Our City values strong community consultation and this ensures we hear the voices of a wide representation of our community, particularly our children and young people.

“We must continue to provide initiatives and environments that support and nurture their growth – physically, mentally and socially.

“It remains imperative that we continue to implement initiatives such as our Drug Aware Ignite Basketball program, smoke free skate parks project, and food literacy in primary schools, with an emphasis on empowering our child educators and providing child and youth friendly environments driven by the wants and needs of this important section of our community.”

About the awards

The annual Children’s Environment and Health Local Government Report Card Awards were established in 2013. The Awards are sponsored by the Public Health Advocacy Institute of WA (PHAIWA), Healthway and the WA Local Government

Association with the aim of promoting and celebrating local governments that demonstrate outstanding commitment to building and maintaining environments that support the health of children.

For more information on this topic contact:

Phone: (08) 9394 5000
Email: info@armadale.wa.gov.au

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Marketing and Communications Team
Phone: (08) 9394 5000
Email: media@armadale.wa.gov.au